
Before Interface, Beth taught at the Middlebury Institute where she worked with international students to raise their language proficiency to perform at the graduate level. Her courses focused not only on language skills, but also introducing students to the formal and informal expectations of American higher education, in addition to pedagogy and second language acquisition.   

A graduate of Middlebury with a master’s in Applied Linguistics/ESL, one of Beth’s areas of expertise is helping students find their voices in writing and public speaking. In the past, she served as a public speaking and presentation coach for Ministry of Foreign Affair (MOFA) diplomats from around the world as well as NATO affiliates. Beth oversees the practice interview training program for Interface students.

Beth has over a decade of teaching experience in China, Canada, Taiwan, Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. She is passionate about developing intercultural competence and strong student relationships and brings this enthusiasm and energy to the Interface team.  

In addition to her advising work as a Jump Start counselor, Beth fulfills several crucial administrative and instructional roles at Interface. She is the main advisor for extracurricular involvement and summer program counseling, where she helps students find and apply to meaningful, impactful extracurricular programs. She is also a key member of the Strategic Plan committee. This committee curates personalized pathways for every Jump Start student to ensure that each student not only excels academically, but also cultivates a unique identity that will resonate deeply with admissions committees when it is time for that student to apply.

When she’s not working with Interface students, you’ll find her in the garden, the kitchen, or hiking the foot paths around her home in London, UK. 

Jump StartTong Chen