The Rewards of Reading  阅读的收获

By: Beth McKenzie

       Many Interface students express that they struggle with time management because it is difficult for them to focus on tasks with the myriad of distractions right at their fingertips. The temptation to multi-task and divide our attention between work and other distractions on the phone and computer is powerful. These habits, however, not only detract from productivity but also program our brains to be more stressed and flighty. Think of all the times you have mindlessly scrolled through social media, YouTube, or news sites. Every time you do this, you are reinforcing habits and programming your brain to crave those distractions. Becoming absorbed in a book allows you to focus solely on reading. This practice will help you teach your brain how to focus, so that when it is time to concentrate on work, your brain is more prepared for what you are asking it to do. So, be like quick-witted American comedian Groucho Marks who said, “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go to the other room and read a book”. Instead of succumbing to distraction, mindfully immerse yourself in a book!

         很多顾瑞的学生表示自己的时间管理有问题。 手头上有无数事情会分散他们的注意力,因此很难集中精力完成既定任务。 想要同一时间做好几样事情,以及想要同时在电脑和手机上处理会让我们分心工作的其它事情的意愿会变得如此强烈。 这些习惯, 不仅削弱你的生产力,同时会让我们的大脑陷入压力更大、更涣散的状态。回想一下自己曾经漫不经心地浏览社交媒体时的情形,比如 YouTube或新闻网站等。 每次浏览网页,就是在强化这个习惯,并使大脑产生对那些分散注意力的事情的更多渴望。 然而当你沉浸在书本的时候,你的注意力就集中在阅读上。 这种练习可以帮助你训练自己的大脑学会聚焦,当你需要聚精会神的工作时, 大脑已经被训练有素了。所以,要像反应敏捷的美国喜剧演员Groucho Marks  那样, 他曾说, “我认为电视很有教育意义。 每当有人打开电视机的时候, 我就进房间去读书。”不要受制于各种干扰, 有意地让自己沉浸于本书里面吧!

       The brain is a muscle, and like any other muscle in the body, it needs to be stretched and exercised. Reading requires us to exercise our brain by remembering characters and plot lines. While we read, we create new memories, forging new synapsis, or brain pathways, as well as boosting short term memory. We use critical thinking skills to connect backstory events and engage our imagination to transport us to other times and places. While we strengthen our mind and broaden our worldview, we are also expanding our vocabulary. Being articulate and well-spoken is a benefit to any career path. Feeling confident about your ability to communicate effectively and clearly with precise word choice enhances self-esteem. Reading will improve your written communication skills as well. Observing other authors’ writing styles will influence the way that you craft stories and choose the words to express those stories. All of these skills have far reaching consequences, including raising grades through improved academic performance and achieving higher test scores.

          大脑是一块肌肉,和其他肌肉一样需要被拉伸和锻炼。 阅读要求我们以通过记住各种人物和情节线索的形式来做运动。 阅读时, 我们会创造新的记忆,形成新的脑回路并提升短期记忆力。 我们运用批判性思维的技能,将背景故事串联起来并加上我们的想象

力,就将自己转换到另一个时空中。阅读不仅丰富我们的思想,扩展我们的世界观, 同时也增加了我们的词汇量。谈吐清晰, 善于表达,对任何职业发展都有益处。如果你对自己能够选择恰当的言语与人进行有效沟通的能力感到自信, 这也会提升你的自我形象。 阅读也能增强你的文字沟通能力。 观察其他作者的写作方式会影响你如何构思并选择恰当的语言描述故事。所有这些技能都会对你产生深远的影响, 包括提升你的学业表现, 以及取得更高的考试成绩。

        But reading is not all exercise! If the material is chosen wisely, reading can be a pleasurable treat. The characters in your favorite stories can feel like best friends, and diving into other worlds and environments can feel like taking a vacation. Finding the authors and genres that excite and stimulate you takes some exploration. This exploration can be undertaken in a variety of ways. Websites, like Goodreads or Amazon Books allow you to browse titles, reading short blurbs about a wide variety of books before deciding to select a title. Talking to intelligent people in your life like friends or your Interface family to ask for their recommendations can also be a good way. We have a number of reading lists based on different criteria to help recommend new books to students. Some show what students are typically reading in various high school grades in the US. Others show what professors are recommending for students to read in their spar e time, like on summer breaks, or what is required reading for incoming freshman to top US colleges and universities. We recognize that reading in a second language can be challenging, but the achievement of finishing the book is incredibly rewarding! If picking up a full-length book in English seems daunting, have no fear. We also have a list just for you!

           但是阅读不仅仅是一项运动而已! 如果阅读内容是精心挑选的, 那么阅读就像是一次愉悦的旅行。你最喜欢的故事里面的人物感觉就像是最好的朋友,并且置身另一个世界和环境中如同旅行一样。 找到那些令你激动或感兴趣的作者或文学体裁需要一番探索。探索的途径多种多样, 比如在Goodreads或 Amazon Books这样的网站上, 列举了各类书籍的题目和内容简介,可以阅读简介后再做选择。  另一种很好的方式就是请教你身边有智慧的朋友或顾瑞大家庭, 请他们推荐阅读内容。 我们有不同类别书籍的阅读书单,为学生们推荐新书。其中有些书是美国各年级高中生们普遍阅读的书籍;还有一些是教授们为学生们推荐的休闲时阅读的书籍, 比如暑假;有些是即将进入顶尖大学/学院的新生们必读书籍。 我们理解母语非英语的学生在阅读时会觉得有挑战性, 但是读完一本书籍所带来的成就感是无与伦比的。 如果挑选一本全英文的书籍让你望而生畏, 不必担忧, 我们有专门为你预备的阅读书单!

         Whatever your reason – exercising your memory for better focus, boosting brain function, improving your vocabulary, or just seeking healthy relaxation– the best time to start reading more is right now.

        不管出于什么原因—锻炼你的记忆力能够精神更集中, 促进大脑功能, 增加你的词汇量, 或仅仅作为一种健康的休闲方式, 最好的开始阅读时间就是此时时刻!

Kristofer Sirevaag